Q&A with Daniel Plimpton

Role: Ernst

What is your favorite song/scene/moment in Spring Awakening?

I love every moment, but the first one that comes to mind is the moment when the music to “B***h of Living” starts. We have been sitting in the most uncomfortable positions, and that’s the moment when our characters finally have their first chance to break out of this repressive world and say what they are really feeling.

What inspires you to play the role?

In light of the recent suicides, I find it an honor to play Ernst, a homosexual who is finding his way in a society that will not accept who he is. I am happy to say that modern day society is more and more tolerant every day, especially in comparison to our 1891 German world. However, as proven this fall, we have a long way to go, and if I can touch someone in the audience who hasn’t been accepted and can relate to what Ernst is coping with, I know I’ve done something meaningful and special.

What is it like playing in a new venue almost every night?

I always look forward to that first moment when we step onstage and get to see the new house. It’s always awesome to play in any theatre so to play in so many is truly an honor. I take a picture of every theatre so that I don’t forget it.

Do you have a great Guilty Ones moment/story you can share?

I was speaking to one guy after the show whose girlfriend was a Guilty One, and he had never seen the show, only heard the music. He told me that in the past two hours, he had gotten more chills than he had ever gotten in his entire life. It never gets old to hear that you have reached someone in a new way and touched them.

Do you have a great Chair of Rock/Stage Seating experience you can share?

I was blessed one night to have my parents sitting onstage. In a show that is much about parents and children, it was so inspiring to have them there. I cannot be more grateful for the way I was raised and for them to be there with me as I performed this amazing show was truly touching.

What is the weirdest/coolest thing that happened to you or another cast member on stage/at the stage door?

We all had a cool experience in Memphis when we walked into the Orpheum, and read a posting about the ghost that lived in the theatre. We were told that she loved to play with buttons and mess with things onstage. That night was the first night that any microphone had ever come unplugged, our assistant stage manager felt something over his shoulder and kept turning around to find no one there, and multiple cast members came offstage with buttons to redo. It was kind of spooky but I loved every minute of it.

Have you been able to watch the show when an understudy was on? What did you think? What was it like?

I did get the chance to watch the show in Wisconsin, and I got to see it once from the house and once from onstage. It was amazing to be able to feel the audience energy and how glued they were to the events onstage. It was also really inspiring to watch my fellow cast mates and the heart and soul that they put into the show night after night.

What was it like when you performed in front of Steven Sater/Michael Mayer during the rehearsals?

It was amazing to hear what they said about the origins of the show, and to see how much this piece means to them. I remember when Michael Mayer was there, he started crying during “Purple Summer.” Being able to look at this man who has created a piece that means so much to me and to so many people was truly an unforgettable moment. I will be forever grateful to Steven Sater and Michael Mayer for their work and to be able to perform for them was truly unbelievable.

What musical theater role/character outside of the one you are playing now would you most like to play? Why?

I would kill to play Huck Finn in Big River - it has been my dream role since I first heard the music when I was 13. Big River is another show that has such an important message. Huck has a rebellious, fun side to him while still caring greatly about humanity and morality. I really do hope to play that part in the next few years.

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