Paris Bradstreet: Q&A

Paris Bradstreet
Role: Adult Women Understudy

What is your favorite song/scene/moment in Spring Awakening?

“Totally F***ed” is one of my favorite numbers to watch. Everyone has such a strong point of view and is so physically committed every night.

What inspires you to play the role?

The challenge of creating 4 different characters using only my voice & body.

What is it like playing in a new venue almost every night?

My responsibilities include taking care of the onstage seating, so I get to meet with lots of box office folks, front of house staff, and ushers in each venue, and it’s always exciting talking to them about the show.

Do you have a great Guilty Ones moment/story you can share?

One venue didn't have assigned seats for the onstage seats, and when I arrived to put them in order, I had a very determined guilty one tell me that 'She had been there first' and she wanted 'the most downstage seat in the third row'... since we only have two rows of onstage seating, it was politically interesting convincing her that she would be seated where she had requested...

Do you have a great Chair of Rock/Stage Seating experience you can share?

Some of our Chairs of Rock like to pose as boyfriend & girlfriend as they join the rest of the group waiting to be seated onstage. Sometimes they're so convincing, I have other onstage patrons offering to give up their seats so that they can sit together...Since the Chairs of Rock have to sit in their assigned seats, this can be awkwardly funny.

What is the weirdest/coolest thing that happened to you or another cast member at the stage door?

When we were in Madison, WI, there was a large group of fans who greeted each person out the door after the show with a screaming cheer.

Have you been able to watch the show when an understudy was on? What did you think? What was it like?

I've had the opportunity to watch multiple understudies perform, and they all knew their stuff. It was great watching them get the opportunity to perform roles they had worked on and prepared for. It was also great to watch their scene partners accept what they were given and respond honestly and freshly to their shared moments.

What was it like when you performed in front of Steven Sater/Michael Mayer during the rehearsals?

It was wonderful to watch such a hardworking and talented cast get the opportunity to perform so successfully for the show's creators.

What musical theater role/character outside of the one you are playing now would you most like to play? Why?

Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd. She's a delicious, rich character with wonderful material to perform.

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